Saturday, July 6, 2024


Here are a few pictures from my trip to Denmark.

the changing of the guard at the king's palace in Copenhagen

view of Kolding from the roof of Koldinghus

the sea and the bridge that connects Funen (Fyn) and Zealand islands

view outside my hotel window in Nyborg

Nyborg Castle-I only saw the outside of the castle because they are doing renovations.

part of the Botanic Gardens in Copenhagen

Saturday, April 13, 2024

The Art of Talking with Children


If you work with children or have children or grandchildren, The Art of Talking with Children is worth reading.  Rebecca Rolland has done a great job at giving suggestions on how you can have conversations with children that will make them think and grow.  She addresses children from preschool all the way through adolescence.  

Friday, March 15, 2024

spring in Texas

I was in Texas last weekend and took the opportunity to go the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.  It was beautiful and relaxing.  If you get to Austin in the spring, I recommend it.

                 a beautiful tree blossom

The only armadillo I saw.     

Golden Groundsel


Saturday, March 2, 2024

I'm Going to Build a Snowman


If you are looking for a new book to add to your winter collection for reading to children, I'm Going to Build a Snowman by Jashar Awan, is worth looking for.  A young boy wakes up one morning excited to go outside and build the perfect snowman.  He goes outside with his grand ideas of what the snowman will look like.  When he is done, it isn't perfect.  But it is just right.  It has brief text and great pictures that engage listeners of a variety of ages.

Friday, February 16, 2024

different shapes

In December and January I did a fair amount of sewing.  My niece made a hexagon pot holder, which inspired me to do the same.  I figured I would try a circle, too, and was pleased with the one in the picture.  

Thursday, December 15, 2022

I Forgive Alex

I Forgive Alex by Kerascoet is a new wordless picture book worth adding to any library.  Alex is playing basketball when he accidentally ruins a classmate's artwork.  Everyone is upset, and they decide to stay away from Alex.  Later in the day, the boy who was wronged chooses to forgive Alex.  By the same author as I Walk with Vanessa, this book is a story that children (and adults) will find worth their time reading.