Monday, January 27, 2014

cold, colder, coldest

Today was another really cold day (air temperature was around -20 and the windchill even colder this morning).  That is just plain cold, but it is all part of living in Minnesota.  If it doesn't hurt us (I haven't gotten frostbite yet), it will make us stronger, right?  I am looking forward to the possiblity of above zero temperatures on Wednesday.

Friday, January 3, 2014

read more books

Here are a few books I read in 2013 that are worth adding to your reading list.  The fiction books all happen to be from the juvenile section of the library, but I think that they are just as decent reading for adults as for children.

I blogged about The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster last January, it was published before I was born but had never read it before.  It was written for children, but I think that adults would really understand it better.  
I read Airman by Eoin Colfer because my nephew recommended it to me.  Conor is a fourteen year old boy who is very interested in flying.  He also is implicated in a crime he did not commit.  If you like well written adventure stories or know a preteen/teen who does, this book is worth picking up.   
Caddie Woodlawn by Carol Ryrie Brink is historical fiction and set in the woods of Wisconsin.  Some people would compare the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder, but I think that the story by Brink offers much more adventure.  Maybe because Caddie's brothers Tom and Warren figure prominently in the story.  It would make a good read aloud for a class or a family.

Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis is a book I read last summer for book club.  It tells the story of Katie choosing to go to Uganda to help orphans there.  An inspiring story that made me think and consider what impact I can have on the people around me. 
Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider is a book anyone could benefit from.  I liked when Oxenreider talked about having a definite purpose for different parts of your room, and then deciding how you are going to have the room set up.  This is worth looking through for some of the tips/recipes she has for cleaning even if you don't think you want to reassess/organize your entire home.

The Trust Edge by David Horsager is about becoming a better leader.  Individuals who have a supervisor role at work would become better at their job by taking even one of the seven pillars to heart.  If you are trying to start a business would do well to read this book.  If those do not apply to you, reading this book and applying some of the principles would improve your work and personal life. 

What books did you read this past year that you would recommend others read?