Senses at the Seashore by Shelley Rotner is a book for younger children that I found it at the library when I was there with my niece. I think that I read the book ten or twelve times in four days. The book would be great for teaching preschoolers and even kindergarten and first graders about the five senses. The photographs are great, too, and it made me wish that I had been able to go to California during my winter break. Rotner has two other books in this series-
Senses in the City and
Senses on the Farm that I am looking forward to reading. Is there any book you have been reading over and over to a preschooler lately?
Ew, I want to know more! We carry a collection of preK books for our children's services classess and I'm always looking for fun series on seasons, sences, colors, numbers, etc. Thank yew!
In the previous two weeks we read Clip-Clop by Nicola Smee dozens of times. The other favorite in that batch of library books was Hands Are Not for Hitting.
abby hearts that book. i haven't read it to her yet, but i really should before we have to return it. isn't it funny how kids have favorite things, too? even at age 2???
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