Sunday, November 23, 2008

a Christmas idea

I realize it is not yet December yet, but there are plenty of things around us reminding us Christmas is coming. This is an idea about reading and Christmas. You need 24 (or 25) Christmas books. Then what you do is wrap each book individually and set them on a bookshelf. Beginning December 1, your child can choose a book to open and then for you to read aloud. Most kids would LOVE the idea of opening a different present each day, and this could be done instead of a traditional advent calendar. I found this idea in a book a while back, but unfortunately do not know the source. If anyone else does, I would love to know. If you are looking for some ideas for Christmas books, look at my post here from last Christmas. I am doing a modified form of this with two of my classes at school.

1 comment:

Amanda Jean said...

this would be a fun activity to do with my kids. thanks for the great idea! I could probably round up a good number of christmas books (or even winter books) before then. I'm sure they will LOVE unwrapping them each day. maybe the kids can even help me decorate the plain white wrapping paper (before hand)I have (from IKEA) too.