Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas

I picked up The Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas by Tony Wilson at the library this week.  This is a spin on the old tale The Princess and the Pea.  In this story, Prince Henrik decides he doesn't want an overly sensitive princess like his brother has.  Instead he uses a bag of frozen peas and puts them under a camping mattress.  He finds a princess who is a perfect fit for him.  I am not necessarily a fan of princess stories, but I had to get this one as it was about frozen peas.  For a while I ate them every day at much my coworkers noticed and give me a hard time about it.  It would be a good story to share with elementary aged children, perhaps inspiring them to write their own version of a well known tale.   

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